
Buram Buram 3 Historical Destinations

When I think of a history-savvy traveler, the first thing that comes to my mind is Ahmet Yeşiltepe.. Frankly, I’m ashamed to call myself a traveler next to him.. Maybe he learns the history of every place he goes to much better than the locals.. If you went with him to your hometown, I think you would think that these are also present in my hometown.. He encourages many of us to take historical trips and cultural tours, especially with his documentaries “Following the Turks” recently.. Kind of like learning addition and subtraction before learning derivative integrals.. When it comes to historical destinations, the first popular countries that come to mind are China, Egypt and Italy.. After visiting these countries, maybe you can run after different histories like Ahmet Yeşiltepe.. Frankly, I had the opportunity to visit these destinations outside of China. Accompanied by the delightful visuals and information shared by Prontotour Blog, here are 3 destinations that history lovers must see:

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Historical destinations 1.0


Historical city of Rome, twin according to legend BC after killing his brother Remus. Built in 753 by Romulus. Rome is a city that has been the capital of many kingdoms and empires in its 2800-year history.. It contains the footprints of each kingdom and empire.

History in Rome, which resembles an open-air museum There are many important works. One of the most impressive monuments is the famous Colosseum, which was completed in 80 AD.. The Colosseum, which was the entertainment and show center of the Roman Empire, has an important place in the history of Rome with a capacity of 70,000.. An ancient monument where gladiator fights were held, executions were carried out, emperors met with the Roman people, various reenactments were made. It is one of the most popular places in Rome for tourists.

Pantheon, known as the “temple of the gods”, apart from the Colosseum, the Basilica of San Giovanni, Rome’s The historical Vatican city, St. Peter’s Basilica, Sistine Chapel, Trevi Fountain, Navano Square are some of the other places that reveal the history of Rome.. A visit to the city arouses the attention that Roman History books have a hard time arousing.


Egypt, ranks among the most fascinating countries. Egypt, the land of pharaohs, deserts and pyramids… Egypt, which has an ancient history, has always been an interesting country for tourists.. A trip to this country is as interesting as stepping into a mystical fairy tale.

Egypt, which has a history of 7 thousand years, one of the favorite spots is of course the pyramids. These magnificent structures, the secret of which are still unsolved, the subject of many legends, and how they were built even today, are still standing in their first place for 43 centuries.

Historical importance like Cairo and Alexandria. cities that have. The trip to Egypt, where you will have the chance to see the Red Sea, which is believed to have been split in half when Moses struck his staff, and the tombs and mummies of the Pharaohs, appeals to travelers interested in history and civilizations.


China, land of dragons, another country with deep-rooted history. It is said to have a history of 6,000 years.. This ancient geography, which is the starting point of many important inventions in history, is seen as one of the most attractive locations in the world with its historical importance and architectural splendor.

Only the Great Wall of China is a structure enough to make a trip to China attractive for history buffs travellers.. Walking on the Great Wall of China, whose name we often hear in history books, will be an excellent travel experience.

There are magnificent temples and architectural wonders in the most populated region of the world, where Buddhism, Taoism and other local religions live.. If you’re interested in architecture as well as history, China can be one of the best travel destinations you can go to.

I hope you enjoyed this post.. You can be informed of my new travels and articles by following my FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM accounts.. Be the first to learn about holiday opportunities.

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