
Boat Trip from Marmaris to Dalyan

Boat Tour from Marmaris to Dalyan

On our fourth day in Marmaris We intended to throw ourselves into the sea in order to have a calmer journey and especially to avoid driving.. After driving here and there for three days without stopping, it was time to lie down all day and fill our lungs with the fresh sea air.. For this reason, we decided to take a Dalyan boat tour with Orca boat from dozens of alternatives in Marmaris.. Why we chose Orca, we will share in the rest of the article.

Our boat will depart from Marmaris marina at 9:30 am. We settle into our sunbeds that we have booked.. It takes 2 hours to reach Dalyan by boat.. While we are planning to sleep and sunbathe during this time, frequent announcements and Arabic music played to entertain Arab tourists, who make up half the population of the boat, leave our enthusiasm in our crops.. Halfway through, an announcement comes in the news of a 15-20 minute swimming break at Aquarium Bay.. All the guests, overwhelmed by the heat, are throwing themselves into the waters desperately.. Before coming here, we also pass the Phosphorous Cave, I think, because it looks very similar to the one in the photos, but since there is no special information for this place, let’s not talk for sure.. After the swimming break, everyone is back on the boat.. Another announcement that came while I was applying sunscreen and getting ready to spread.. “On our left is Aksaz Island, where Turkey’s largest naval and military vehicles are located (all heads turn to the left)  and “just opposite Yılancık Island strong>(all heads turn right). This place is also called Dolphin Island in the colloquial language because it had the opportunity to see dolphins, but unfortunately we could not see it even though we looked very carefully.. Although we are not sure if this information is true or a joke.. Anyway, as we learned later, Aksaz was actually far behind and it was forbidden to approach this region militarily.. Let’s say it in advance so that you don’t get too excited like the friends on the boat.

The best part of taking a boat tour is that you can see many coves that you cannot reach by land.. But the worst part is that tours are often very loud and crowded.. Especially on tours that start early in the morning, the need to run to get a place outside the boat and take shelter in a shaded place after getting tired of the sun after about half an hour is also worth mentioning.. The Orca boat we boarded was actually one of the boats that absorbed all the crowd and noise best, due to its size.. When we compare it with the tours we made before, we can even say that it is much calmer and more fun.

After having our lunch, after this two-hour tour We anchor at Delikli Ada, where we will pass on small boats, and arrive at Iztuzu beach aka Turtle Beach. This fine sandy beach, which is very suitable for Caretta Carettas to lay their eggs, can be reached by boats to the west side and by road from Dalyan to the eastern side. However, boat tour must be the most practical means of transportation, as you know, the beach is quite long for walking and since there is no direct road to the beach, you have to take a winding 12-kilometer road.. The choice is yours.

About 5 km with turtle cages. long yellow silky sand and a sea that is slightly clouded by the waves welcomes us here.. According to the information we received, the sunbeds are paid, but the sand is so soft and comfortable that it will be more attractive to lay down your towel.. Supported and operated by Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, there is a facility with a cafeteria, locker, cabins, shower and toilet on this beach.. According to what we have learned, in the evaluation of Iztuzu on the website of The Times, Iztuzu beach is a rare place in the Mediterranean: stretching from a mountain covered with pine trees to the mouth of the river, not a single house, shop or hotel is visible. 4.5 kilometers of golden sand”. A very accurate assessment.

Caretta Caretta (Loggerhead) sea turtles lay their eggs on this beach in the evening from May to September. You cannot use the beach from 20:00 until 08:00 in the morning.. Beach nights left entirely to turtles and guardians. Therefore, those who come by boat tour and dream of seeing the turtles are disappointed.

After a 1-hour break at Iztuzu beach (which was not enough for us), we got on small boats again through the reeds We are on our way to Dalyan.

Meanwhile, our blue crabs, which we ordered on the Orca boat, are prepared and wrapped in aluminum foil and left in our laps.. We learn how to eat it right away and begin to shred our boiled crab and gnaw all its white meat.. The taste is simply amazing. Of course, this aperitif is not just to fill our stomach, but just to taste.. But really go and gorge on a dinner. In Istanbul, the portion is around 60-70 TL, here it is 15 TL.. Honestly, I think the only difference is the presentation, sauces etc.. Blue crab is a seafood dish that should definitely be eaten in Dalyan and is said to be unique to this region. If you haven’t tried it yet, you should try it.

Meanwhile, we are so busy smashing our crab that we realize that we are passing by the rock tombs as the people on the boat rise to take pictures.. The story of the Kaunos King Tombs is as follows, according to the ancient belief, the higher the grave of a person, the closer to God, and that’s why the tombs of kings and important people were dug into the rocks.. It is really impossible to understand what technique was used to carve the rocks so neatly at that time.. Kaunos, which was a port city in ancient times, lost its port feature with the sea being filled with alluvium and today you can only reach by boats and a 10-minute walk from the land.. It takes a long expedition to see the walls and towers in their entirety, but we were only able to take a few photos by looking from afar.

And the last crab leg is just in the water for the carettas to enjoy. We throw it so that the announcement is made that we have come to the Dalyan mud bath.. There is a mud pool, showers, thermal pool, cafeteria in this beautifully designed facility where we came for a mud bath.. But you have to make a lot of effort to get covered in mud.. Because you’re getting into a pool that looks more like muddy water.. You have to apply the mud you have picked up from the bottom of the pool and the walls to yourself or someone else.. Then you can go out and take a shower, get rid of the mud and enter the thermal pool.. Individual entrance to the facility 6 TL. but free to us as it is included in the tour price. After the break here, boats, reed beds, king tombs, transition to the big Orca boat and the return journey to Marmaris. On the way back, the sun, which has lost its effect, guides us and after a pleasant journey, we return to our starting point.

There are many boat tours in Marmaris.. You can get information from the boats lined up along the Uzunyalı and Marmaris marinas and examine the routes.. But we definitely recommend you to try Dalyan tour.. The difference of this tour, which is the most comprehensive, longest but most interesting among others, from other boat tours is that it is rather an experience tour.. You can see many places by paying 40 TL, you can enter Iztuzu beach and Dalyan mud bath for free, you can also have your lunch on it.

This tour is small. the boats charge a little commission but in the end they all direct their passengers to Orca. Therefore, you can directly register with Orca, the only big boat that can go this long distance, just like us.. Let’s not forget, all tours will pick you up from your hotel and drop you back again if you wish.. The fee paid for this whole service is really affordable, so you can tip whatever you want after the oriental show at the end of the tour.

at the end of “Good thing we did!” During this journey we call “Here is life!” We definitely recommend this tour and Orca boats with its clean environment, friendly crew and pleasant ambiance.. Yes, we were also a bit reluctant at the beginning because all boats generally have musical instruments, hooks, lots of noise and can be dizzying.. But this tour was definitely the right choice.

  • The first day in Marmaris: Marmaris Road Adventure Vol.1 : You can read the details of our Selimiye-Bozburun journey here.
  • Second day in Marmaris: You can read the details of our Akyaka & Akbük Bay trip and our journey through the mountains to heaven here.
  • Third day in Marmaris: You can read everything we visited and saw during our drive to Palamutbükü and Datça city center here.
  • Fifth day in Marmaris: You can read our article about our visit to Icmeler, Amos Ancient City and Turunc Village here.

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