

The best day of our Kas trip was undoubtedly Kekova tour. You should definitely do this tour, which you can do by agreeing with one of the agencies in the center, visit Kekova and Simena and swim in different bays close to Kaş.. You can take a boat tour from Kaş to Kekova with an agency or a boat that your hotel recommends or that you will agree with from the center. You start by meeting at the point. Some boats leave from Kaş harbor, some from Üçağız village.. For boats departing from Üçağız, it takes approximately 45 minutes to reach Üçağız from the center of Kaş.

This article was updated in March 2020.

Kekova sunken city ruins


After Shipyard bay direction Sunken City of Kekova. At this point, the boat goes very slowly and you have the chance to examine every detail while your guide explains Kekova and the ancient ruins.. At this point of the tour, history surrounds you, I can’t help but imagine the moments when the landscapes I see at such times are places for someone.. Split surfaces, temple ruins, stairs and tombstones with references to ancient life are among the things you can see in Kekova, which was partially underground due to very, very strong earthquakes in history.

Kekova Sunken City ruins

After the sunken city, one of the routes we encounter on most boat tours, Pirate Cave We are going to, as the name suggests, this place is believed to have been used by pirates. When you go inside, you see that it is a little small.. In this case, you can’t help but wonder how the pirate ship got into this cave, but you start taking pictures of it saying it’s customary.. After the cave, you head towards Gökkaya Bay for a lunch break.

Simena ancient city

The general problem of boat tours is insufficient and tasteless food.. As good as the food of the boat tours I took with my family when I was a child, the situation is just as bad now.. It seemed to us that this situation was under control in Kaş, and we were very satisfied with the lunch options on both occasions.. When one has a good boat tour experience, they are motivated to plan their next boat tour.. Kas Kekova boat tour was exactly like this for us.

If we go back to the boat tour, two more stops await you after the lunch break.. The first one is Burj Dark, such a break is necessary to melt what you have already eaten.. After a half hour break at Burç Bay, it’s time to Simena ancient city, which is my favorite route on this tour.

View from the castle of Simena


New Simena, whose name is Kaleköy, is one of the rare settlements whose ancient name is still used from past to present.. There is no transportation to Simena other than by sea, because the vehicle road to the village cannot reach the village due to the protected area and Simena’s protection.. The sea route is so important to Simena that children even go to school by boat.. Simena, where there was no agriculture at the time and life was difficult, started to develop after the 50s.. Electricity and water came first, then agriculture began.. Rahmi Koç’s opening a school was very effective in the development of the village.. Even though the school is out of service at the moment, children can study in Üçağız.. If we go back to the trip; When you arrive in Simena as part of the boat tour, you have about 1 hour here.

Sunken king tomb in Simena

The historical castle at the top of the village and the king tombs that you can see at different points are the biggest values. You can enter the castle, which is the legacy of the Lycians to the village, with Müzekarts for free, without a card, for 10 TL per person, I recommend you to go out for the view.. If you can get on and off quickly, you can also swim to the shore just to the right of the harbour.. Let me just say that the steps leading to the castle are a bit tiring.

Joyful Cafe in the ancient city of Simena

Another must-do in the Lycian ancient city of Simena is to eat ice cream made with fresh fruits at Neseli Kafe; I suggest lemon and black mulberry. Cheerful Cafe is the sweetly inspired place of my uncle Mustafa, a local of the village.. The name of the cafe comes from its nickname; she was known as Merry in Simena, indeed she is. His conversation is so beautiful that one feels like running and hugging him.. It is necessary to listen to Simena from her as well.. If you do not neglect to see the submerged king tomb before returning to the boat, you will have successfully completed your Simena tour.

Homemade ice cream at Cheerful Cafe

After visiting this place, you return to Üçağız village, you can tour here until the transfer vehicle arrives, and buy small souvenirs.. You can consider the duration of the boat tour to last from 09.30 to 18:00 . Almost all boats serve in this plan.

Simena houses


Unfortunately, it is very difficult to find a boat tour in summer areas that is not crowded and does not broadcast music.. This is also the case in Kaş, which is becoming increasingly popular, so by the way, we wanted to give you a Kas Kekova boat tour recommendation.

Captain Ergun boat provides a tour opportunity that we can recommend blindly in this region.. The most important features for us are that the boat moves with a maximum capacity of 75% and is without music.. Thus, you both have a comfortable tour experience without jumping over anyone and you have a calm and peaceful day because there is no music.. Another beauty of Ergun Kaptan’s boat is that the tour program is different from the general Kaş Kekova boat tour program above.

Captain Ergun boat, Kaş

For the tour, you meet at Larsoy Travel office at 9:30 and leave the port at 10:00.. Starting from Ufakdere Bay, respectively, to Eleksi Bay where no boats go, then to Aquaryum Bay and from there to the sunken city Kekova< Going to Kaleköy with /strong>. The destination after Kaleköy is Üçağız to see the historical sarcophagi, and finally İnönü Bay with its tiny sandy beach and clear shore.. You spend approximately 8 hours between the deep blue bays of Kaş, and you return to the port at around 18:00.. During the boat trip, the guide of the Captain Ergun boat gives you information about the bays and ancient settlements.. Other important features of the boat are that it is new, clean and the only blue flag boat in Kaş harbor.

İnönü Bay, Kaş – Photo: Ergun Kaptan

The daily shared Kaş – Kekova – Kaş tour costs 180 TL per person, this price includes lunch. Meals are determined according to the preferences of the people who will participate in the tour; fish, chicken and meatballs are among the options. You can find the details about Captain Ergun boat on www.boattripturkey.com website, phone 05446625072 or Larsoy Travel in Kas center.. In addition to daily shared Kaş Kekova tours, they also offer several daily or weekly gulet cruises depending on the desired capacity.

Discount Code: If you specify JOURNAVEL20 when booking for daily shared cruises of Captain Ergun boat, they offer 20 You can get a TL discount.

Ufakdere Bay, Kaş – Photograph: Ergun Kaptan


If you have a little more time on holiday, you can take the Kekova boat tour from Demre port from Kaş to Demre. you can also do it with moving boats; because Kekova is actually a region of Demre.. When you come to Demre, add Kekova boat tour to your list of places to visit, as well as St.. Nicholas Santa Claus Church, Lycian Civilizations Museum and the ancient city of Myra.

From Demre to Kekova Our recommendation for the boat tour is Egemenim Boat. You can get information about the Kekova tours of Egemenim boat from the Kekova Boat Tour site.. Let me summarize briefly; In the tour program, the boat departs from Demre port at 10 am and first goes to Kekova Island; then following the route Tersane Bay, Simena Kaleköy, Gökkaya Bay, Korsan Cave and Karemlik Bay returns to the port at 5 pm.

Meals are included in the price of the tour per person.. If you are going with children, it is free up to 6 years old, half price between 6-12 years old.. By the way, Egemenim also offers a private tour service for families and groups.. Since the prices may change according to the season, we recommend that you get information by contacting the contact numbers on this site

Demre Kekova Boat Tour

Follow me on my Instagram account for Kaş and other trips, let’s travel together! I have #journavelakdeniz tag for all my photos and Instagram notes including Kaş and Fethiye, and #journavelgreece for the notes for Rhodes and Meis Islands that we had the opportunity to see on this trip. I suggest you look at the tag.

Click here for the first route of this tour, SELİMİYE TRAVEL notes.

Click here for FETHIYE TRIP notes of our Mediterranean tour.

Our Mediterranean tour KAŞ Click here for TRIP notes.

Simena ancient city

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