
Birhayalinpesinde.com Contact Information

Hello, I’m Deniz Pehlivan ;
I hope you are satisfied with the articles I have written so far and you are slowly starting to dream.. I hope I was able to bring you the little spark you need.
I’m happy if I helped you even a little on this road to your dreams.. I have already opened this site so that I can be of some use to you.. I think the best part was seeing so many travelers reading my articles and receiving wonderful messages in such a short time.

To reach by mail: [email protected]

Floating Torii-Japan

If you still think there is something missing and you need to ask me If you want to send questions, you can always send me an e-mail from the contact section below.. You can always contact me for events, conversations or other social activities.

Also, you can contact me for all kinds of promotions, organizations and projects.. For promotions and organizations, please contact via e-mail.. (I’m stating my information below.)

However, you can follow me on my social media accounts, send a direct message or leave comments on my articles and photos.

My social media accounts and website traffic status

  • Click for Facebook. ( +221.000 followers )
  • Click for Instagram. ( +250.000 followers )
  • Click for Twitter. ( + 8,000 followers )
  • Website monthly traffic average ( + 650,000 users and + 950,000 page views )
  • If you want to reach us via mail : [email protected]
  • Todaiji (A Buddhist Temple)- Nara-Japan

    I hope the adventures I describe are the ones I have experienced trips, the articles I wrote up to the links to set an example for you will inspire you as well.. Seeing how small the world is, I have been trying to be on the road since I was 20 years old, and in this process, I try to explain everything I know as much as I can.. I hope my memories will inspire you too.. I hope to see you somewhere one day

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