
Being Human on March 8

I have a huge load on me.. I feel like I’m carrying all the blame for thousands of years of human race. What has been done, what has been said, neither blood has been shed, nor countries have been established and destroyed, neither “great men” have died.. But mankind still has not understood something and the fact that I have nothing to do to change it, not having this power makes me so cursed that Story. All of us…

However, men are women and women are men.. Because he is human first! There is no difference between them, except their gender.. Just as many social factors constrain a man, shouldn’t it be the same for a woman? You are a woman Story. She is a modest and free-willed woman who has traveled to 40 countries and more than 100 cities to date and chose me as her comrade.. Also lucky.. She is lucky enough to choose her own mate and decide to spend the rest of her life with the person she loves.. It’s just as unlucky that we live in a society and era in which we have to describe it as luck.

You’ve met thousands of people, I was with you in many. I was not in some. They say “couldn’t have done it without you”. He would do so. Just maybe it would be more boring, because just as you are my life force, so I believe I am to you.. ‘Cause I’m your companion. Despite all the harassment, rape, and violence not only against women, but against people, and despite all the abuse happening in our country, Öykü, the existence of women like you continues to instill faith in me.

As if just existing was not a painful enough process, And because she’s a woman, it never occurred to me to make people’s lives more difficult.. Not a woman or a man; There are things in life that everyone can or cannot do.. Not every woman can be an athlete. After all, not every man can be an athlete.. Not every person can be a pilot, not every person can be a construction worker, not every person can be a driver; In short, not everyone can do everything.. But he can and will do the job he chooses, which he thinks has potential.. If you understand why gender is a limiting factor for this, tell me too.

With you, every place, every order, every environment is where I need to be anyway; Because when you smile, when you are happy, when I see that meaning in your eyes and the joy of living does not disappear, when you can’t stand for joy, when you are dancing, when you are busy with something, when you are successful, when you talk, when you travel, you say “Hello” When you say “I’m Story”, when you’re chatting with someone, when you do anything that I or any man does, I’m so proud.. That’s when my faith is renewed that I am the lucky one.. Because you and women like you will change this order, I believe.

But still; Closed doors of unscrupulous managers about how not only women but also people are valuable, no one is forced to marry someone against their free will, that such articles and videos are not written every 8 March, we do not have to explain the value of women to anyone, and how to dismiss a woman because a woman is pregnant. that he does not make plans behind it, that the woman is not harassed by her client because she only takes part in the working life, “this is the way it is”, that the woman is traveling alone, that her purpose and duty is to satisfy the sexual impulses of men, the phrase “m/f” is not included in the job advertisements. that the human resources department did not take shallow perspectives such as “she is newly married, she will definitely get pregnant, let’s not hire her” during job interviews-yes, I have known women who did this- that we do not have to, therefore We wish to live in days where we can spend productive and productive times and a more peaceful human race looks to the future with hope.. I wish it could be just us and not them and us. Because the only duty of women is to be human.

Even though we have many reasons to be pessimistic, discrimination is not only for ignorant people; Although it is the curse of all of us, the way to get rid of learned helplessness is clear: Empathy and love.

Happy and Happy March 8 International Working Women’s Day!

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