
Avocado On Bread Recipe: How To Make Avocado Mash?

Avocado on bread is a bit of an escape and a savior recipe for us. Sometimes we get hungry but we want to eat something different instead of food. Sometimes we look for a snack that is not difficult to prepare, keeps you full, of course, and is healthy and delicious.. That’s when avocado paste comes to our rescue.. Avocado can be eaten plain, or it can be sliced ​​and consumed very simply by pouring some lemon, olive oil, salt and pepper on it.. Can also be chopped into salads. But our favorite recipe with avocado is the celery and spicy avocado on bread recipe that I found through my own trial and error.. You can also call the recipe avocado on bread You can also call it avocado paste. After all, it is made by mashing the avocado and it looks great on the bread

The benefits of avocado are too many to count. Since it contains many vitamins and minerals, it both regulates the functions of our body and contributes to our hair and skin beauty (you must have come across avocado-based hair and skin care products).. In addition, since the amount of fruit sugar (fructose) is low, it contains very few calories and keeps you full for a long time, so it is a miraculous food for those looking for delicious diet menus. We buy it every time we go to the market, we recommend you to include it in your diet.. Our recipe will also help you on How to eat avocado.

Necessary ingredients for Avocado on bread recipe:

  • 1 avocado (be careful when buying, it should be a little soft)
  • 1 small onion
  • 1 piece green pepper (medium hot is great)
  • 2 stalks of celery
  • Salt, black pepper and olive oil

Cut the avocado in the middle and remove the core (if there are very dark parts, you can separate them too, sometimes those parts can be tasteless). With the help of a spoon, we take out the inside and crush it completely with a fork in a deep and flat bowl.. Then we chop our onions and green peppers as small as possible.. We also chop our celery stalks. You don’t need to make the celery stalks very small when chopping, they remain a little large, giving a more crispy and crunchy flavor.

We mix all the chopped ingredients and the mashed avocado with a fork.. After adding some olive oil, salt and pepper, our avocado on bread recipe is complete.. It’s such a simple and very, very delicious recipe, we guarantee it

Avocado paste can be spread on your bread, as a side dish alongside main menus such as chicken, meat, fish, or with your omelet for breakfast. You can eat it.

Avocado On Bread Recipe, How To Make Avocado Mash

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