
Aspendos Antique Theater

Antic Theater of Aspendos must be at the top of the list of places to visit in Antalya.. Whenever we visit Antalya, Aspendos is one of the places we must visit.. We would like to briefly describe and introduce Aspendos to you.

Antalya Aspentos Antique Theater of Roman theaters one of the best preserved examples. The theater, which is 96 meters in diameter, is also very spacious with a capacity of 15,000 people.. The Roman theater, designed by the architect Zenon, son of Theodorus, was built between 161 – 180 AD during the reign of Marcus Aurelius. Aspendos is a magnificent historical monument dedicated to gods and emperors right after its completion.

It is believed that the oldest ruins in the city belong to the Hittite period. It is believed that the city was later used as a settlement by the Romans and Seljuks.

AD 2. and 3. According to historical sources, Aspendos, which lived its golden age in the 4th century BC, was a very important port city and the center of land trade in the Persian period.

Eurymedon ( Built on a rocky hill next to the Köprüçay) River, it does not consist of the Aspendos theater and aqueducts, but the Aspendos city ruins (acropolis) are located on the flat land just behind the theater.. You may not find what you are looking for in terms of historical artifacts in the region with ruined stones and a few stone block walls.. However, we still recommend you to stop by while you’re here.

The first person to mention Aspendos in 1836 was Texier, although a little research was done by Daniell and Schönborn. The most detailed and comprehensive research was carried out by Lanckoronski.

It is known that Atatürk encouraged Aspendos to be preserved and used with his visit in 1980.

Contrary to other historical artifacts and ancient structures, Aspendos is hosting the “Aspendos Opera and Ballet Festival” in summer every year, and continues to provide unforgettable moments to visitors in a historical atmosphere. .

You should definitely include Aspendos, one of the 10 most visited archaeological sites in Turkey, on your next trip.

Aspendos Ruins Entrance Fee 25 TL. click for current entrance hours and fees.

Aspendos Ruins Visiting Hours are between 08:00 and 19:00.SummaryArticle NameAspendos Antique TheaterDescriptionAntalya Aspendos Antique Theater should be at the top of the list of places to visit.. Whenever we visit Antalya, Aspendos is one of the places we visit.. We would like to briefly explain and introduce Aspendos to you.. Aspentos Antique Theater in Antalya is one of the best preserved examples of Roman theaters..

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