
Art Disasters City Sculptures

painted as a sign of surviving from the first known footprints of mankind to this day. Some first described the city community in Göbeklitepe with the image of animals, some shaved off the god they believed in Olympos or Nemrut.. However, in all of the sculptures, there was one truth that those who could look at it saw: Art..

The stone became precious when it became art, the name of the master became an artist when he could convey his feelings to the beholder when he looked at it.. Sculpture art, which is still in various debates in today’s country, is excluded due to religious beliefs.. Maybe it is because of this, the new sculptures or monuments we have encountered recently show how much the art of sculpture has regressed, let alone aesthetics.. We can reinforce the subject with a few examples:

Below, we see Sinan Şamil in Mersin, Watermelon in Diyarbakır, Olive in Gemlik, Vezirköprü, Denizli and Konya in wonders..

Especially Denizli made me feel very sad. You ask why ? Below I will share a few examples that I have seen with my own eyes.. Seeing the pepper statue in the square of the city that hosts values ​​such as Laodikeia and Hierapolis. No comment.


In the village of Geyre in Aydın Karacasu, where photographer Ara Güler lost his way in 1958, Aphrodisias is an ancient city that was discovered after waiting for the day.. The ancient city, which was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List 59 years after its discovery, had an important feature.. There was a sculpture school in the city. The city’s history. 8. dates back to the century.

Hatay Archeology Museum

2. Suppilulium. You have seen this statue many times. It was found in the castle gate area of ​​the Hittite King Hatay Tayinat Mound, known as the King who won the first naval battle in history.

BC. 9. The statue, dated to the 16th century (note) is erected at the castle entrances, symbolizing that the king is a guardian appointed by the god.. Suppiluliuma, which is 3 thousand years old, is a work that will be a great value and symbol for Hatay and our country.. It obviously needs more publicity.. I don’t think anything like this exists.

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Vatican Museums

Let’s give an example from the world in a little bit. Below is a post from the Vatican Museums collection. There are aesthetic elements even in the smallest details.. Those who have the chance to discover the collection will understand very well why art is valuable and protected..

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Take an example from one of the most famous works. It is art that makes Florence one of the most beautiful cities in the world.. The most important value it has is the sculpture of David (David), the masterpiece of Michelangelo Renaissance sculpture art.. The 5-meter-long work, completed in 1504 as a result of 3 years of work, is exhibited at the Academy Gallery.. There are replicas of each in 2 different parts of the city..

Tankut Öktem

Let’s go back to our recent period from the past. Known for the important monumental sculptures of recent years, Prof.. Dr.. Let’s talk about Tankut Öktem.
He was born in Konya in 1940. In his senior year of high school, he received the first prize in the World Young Sculptors Competition. He worked as an assistant and lecturer at Istanbul State Applied Fine Arts High School.. He founded the Marmara University sculpture department and became its first president.. Elected state artist in 1999.

It is clear that much needs to be learned from the life and works of the artist, who has works in many parts of our country.. His most important work is the Atatürk and Harbiye Monument..

The monument, completed in 1988 in front of the Military Academy in Ankara, is 6 meters wide and 24 meters high.. 5 of the world. The Kuva-i Milliye monument, which the artist made in Manisa, is Turkey’s largest and the world’s largest monument. 3. known as the great monument. (one. and 2. statues The Statue of Liberty in America & the Statue of Christ in Rio) In the 63-meter-high building, there are two young people, one in a zeybek outfit and the other representing a contemporary Turkish woman, holding an olive branch in their hands.

Unfortunately, the artist died in a traffic accident in 2007.. The artist’s workshop in Kumla/Gemlik-Bursa has been converted into a museum and the street where it is located is named after him.. In the street where his workshop is located, his sculptures can be seen in rows.. We advise you to drop your way. After your visit, you can take a short walking tour on the beach..

I wanted to make this post in order to draw attention to the objects lacking aesthetics and art, which we shared at the beginning of the article as architectural disasters that we have seen frequently on social media lately.. In fact, what is sought should be very clear: Merit. Unless this happens, it is likely that we will face more disasters..

Otherwise we are a rich country with artists like Orhan Oray.

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