
All Information About Maldives : What Kind of Country is Maldives ?

What Kind of Country Is Maldives? In this article, I want to briefly explain all I know about the Maldives and why the Maldives is a different country.. You ask why ? How many countries in the world are afraid that 50 years from now, they will be under water? Or, how many countries are there with more than 1000 islands? How many countries are made from the sand of the dead bodies left over from the reefs?

1. The Most Comprehensive Information About Maldives

Sir, I stayed in 3 different places in Maldives. 2 of them are resorts in different locations; the other one was the capital Male.

I have prepared all my Maldives experience for you as a VLOG.. Don’t forget to subscribe to the channel for free. Every week I broadcast such beautiful places on the channel. Delightful dreams.

Based on these experiences, observations and research, I would like to tell you what I find interesting about Maldives:

Maldives hotels

2. Maldives Will Be Submerged

The most valuable information about Maldives : This is the most concerned issue in recent years. Due to global warming, everyone wants to see Maldives as soon as possible.. Why ?

Make sure to also read this article: All About Maldives Vacation

Because in the next 50 years, Maldives are in danger of flooding.

Maldives places to visit

Maldives Since it is 1.5-2 meters above sea level, the state is in serious danger.

The state has already applied for asylum to resettle people in Australia.. The Australian government has arranged a special place for the Maldivian people.

3. People of Maldives Become Independent in the Last 50 Years

The Maldives, like many other countries in this geography, became independent after the 1960s.

The original people were Sri Lanka and India hundreds of years ago. They came from countries such as Maldives and settled in the Maldives.

The Republic of Maldives, the smallest country in the Asian continent, is now governed as a free state.. But with the law. How ?

4. Sharia Laws Pass in the Maldives

When I first heard about this, I was a little surprised too.. Think about it; How is this honeymoon country, which is the dream of millions of honeymooners every year, governed by sharia?

Maldives Islands

Sharia is actually a set of religious rules.. That is, to live life according to religion. But, in many countries of the world, it has been touted as an approach that cuts off heads, hands and feet.

97% of the people of Maldives are Muslims

Maldives, India

As such, you feel the influence of Islam in the country, especially in the capital city of Male, and religion is very important to the people of Maldives.. That’s why they said let’s rule the country according to religious rules in favor of sharia laws.

I say that you should watch the video I prepared for you and subscribe to the channel for free.

5. Economy Sustains with Tourism and Fishing

More than half of Maldives’ economy is sustained by tourism, fishing and finance.

Since different hotels serve on nearly 100 islands in the country, Maldivian economy provides its income with these resorts.

Maldives islands

Don’t mind my resort. When the nightly rate of some hotels is around 30-40.000 TL, Arab tourists, who use it as their personal hotels, give life to the Maldives economy.

6. The Water Temperature in Maldives Is Always Above 10 Degrees

Yes. The water is always hot in Maldives. air too. Because Maldives is in the monsoon climate and there are only 2 seasons :

Maldives holiday suggestions

Rainy and the dry season. In other words, such a snowy-winter-apocalyptic weather is out of question in this geography.

7. Sand Like Flour, Made of Dead Corals

Those white sands you see in movies! Here are all of them, actually what’s left of the coral reefs. Some of them are even dead corals.

Maldives beaches: Maldives flight ticket prices are around 1,800 TL

So why are we here? none ? Because there are no coral reefs in Turkey. Therefore, the dreamlike places you see in movies are actually a gift of nature to us.

8. Almost Everyone Speaks English in Maldives

I’ve experienced this myself everywhere I’ve seen it in Maldives. Maldivian people speak English fluently.

Maldives honeymoon

Reason: students are studying English at both schools And because of tourism, if everyone learns to speak English, the future feels more secure.

9. One of the Best in the World for Aqua Villa

Maldives is among the top 3 honeymoon destinations in the world. Nearly 100 island hotels host hundreds of thousands of guests annually. There are such beautiful hotels that you know how to say “Sat house” to such a person.. Go on vacation.” as if to say. Just kidding.

The 2nd time I visited in the Maldives. I suggest you watch the hotel as well

You don’t need to sell the house or anything.. You ask why ? Maldives honeymoon prices are incredibly variable. There are hotels for I don’t know how many thousand TL per night; All inclusive 2 people for 300-350 dollars. In this regard, contact the company Let’s go to Maldives with me.

Must Read : Maldives Maldives Honeymoon Advice

Maldives tour

When applying, write IN DREAMHONE in the description section and you’ll get $50 discount. I, the owner of the company, went to Maldives with my friend Resul and his team.

SUMMER AFTER YOUR DREAM Get a discount of 50 dollars in the description section when applying.. A nice gesture made by my friend Resul, who is the owner of the company, for my followers.

I was very pleased and thought I would write to you saying that I can be a reference blindfolded.. click to see their site.

10. One of the Rare Countries Where You Can See Small Sharks and Stingrays Around the Islands

Yes. well it’s true. Thousands of stingrays, sharks and more are right before your eyes around the islands. You can even feed the animals…


But don’t be afraid. all harmless. My weirdos are walking around on the sand like that.

11. No Fishing Around the Islands and No Stepping on Reefs

They are very, very sensitive about this.. But don’t fish, don’t step on the reefs. He has his way to court.. They are incredibly sensitive about protecting the seas, let me tell you.

What to do in Maldives

Fighting hard to protect coral reefs they do. Because they think that if the coral reefs disappear, the ecological balance in the seas will deteriorate and all living things will die.

Therefore, it is forbidden to touch the reefs or even to fish around the island.. FYI.

Must Read : Where is Maldives

12. Favorite Foods: Seafood

Personally, my favorite food was seafood.. Of course, there is also international cuisine, but I preferred squid and shrimp-based grills.

Maldives dishes cuisine suggestions

As far as I learned, Maldivian people also love seafood.. However, rice was also among their favourites.

13. Capital Male : Cradle of Chaos

Why? The capital island of Male is the most populated island in the world.. More than 100,000 people live on this island.

Maldives plane

Never set foot on this island for a cruise. But, if you are going to return to the country by connecting from Male, I would say stay for 1 night and stop by to rest.

14. No Drinking Water in Maldives

There is no drinking water in Maldives. They are either imported or purified from the sea to produce drinking water.. That’s why I say appreciate the water you drink.

Places to visit in Maldives

Bonus : How to get to Maldives go? How Did I Go?

Because I’ve been asked this question hundreds of times, I thought I’d explain it for the last time:

I went to Maldives with my friend Resul, the founder of HaydiMaldives company.. He is so experienced about Maldives that he answered all my questions one by one.. According to what the hotels have changed; he knows so well which hotels are more suitable for whom!

As I said above: He even promised to give you a 50 dollar discount if you want to go on holiday to the Maldives.. When filling out the application form, if you write TOGETHER in the description section, it will give you a discount of 50 dollars.

DREAMSHIP Don’t forget to write.. click to view and review the form.

Maldives honeymoon tour for those who will, About Maldives is actually longer I can pass my information here. So, don’t get tired, I say take a look at the articles I mentioned above so that those who will Maldives vacation can see what I know and experience.. I wish you a pleasant Maldives trip in advance.. Imagine. Think about it….

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