
Alexandreia Troas Ancient City

Alexandreia Troas was founded under the name Antigoneia in 310 BC by Antigos Monophtalmos (One-Eyed), one of the commanders of Alexander the Great. After the death of Antigonos, the city of Lysimachos, the king of Thrace, was named Alexandreia Troas in the name of Alexander the Great. The peoples of the 7 cities in the surrounding area were settled here and the expanded city is 8 km long, some of which still stands today. It is surrounded by a long wall.

BC.1. YY. In the same year, the name of the city of Alexandreia Troas was changed to Colonia Augusta Troadensis by Emperor Augustus.

BC. 4th century The Great Emperor Constantine thought that Alexandreia Troas could be the capital.

The city of Alexandreia Troas was largely destroyed as a result of an earthquake. Theater, Maldelik, Agora Temple, East Gate, Herodes Atticus Bath and Harbor are worth seeing.

Herodes Atticus Bath

It is one of the biggest bath structures in Anatolia that have survived to the present day. MS. 2nd century The bath, which was destroyed as a result of a great earthquake, was rebuilt by Herodes Atticus of Athens, one of the richest people of the ancient period. The building, which was mostly standing until the beginning of the 19th century, was demolished again as a result of an earthquake.

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