
Advice for Traveling Photographers

I have excellent advice for those who are professionally engaged in photography despite selfies and photoshops!

The sense of discovery and curiosity is not the only reason to travel the world.. Apart from getting to know new cultures closely and seeing all the beauties in the world alive, there are also those who wander around with the passion of immortalizing all these; for example, traveling photographers. I also have some advice I have prepared for them.. Here you go…

A Good Research Above All

Going To Another Country requires some preparation. Every traveler needs to prepare a travel guide, but for photographers this may be a bit more extensive. Learning the culture of the country you are going to and knowing how to communicate with the people there makes your job much easier.. Apart from that, before visiting underdeveloped countries, remember that your health comes first.. Get insight into a possible epidemic or a germ or virus your immune system hasn’t been acquainted with.. Make sure to get your vaccinations done and set out that way.

Insure Your Equipment

Especially if you are planning a trip to underdeveloped countries, you should definitely pay attention to insurance.. Your equipment is very expensive and therefore a treasure for thieves at your destination.. It makes sense to insure and secure it before you get upset if it’s stolen. Joey L, traveling photographer. gave some tips; Making your equipment look deformed, carrying it in an old and worthless bag, and making the logos of expensive brands invisible by taping can prevent you from attracting the attention of thieves.

Choose What You Take With You Well

If you’re going to the other side of the world to take pictures , aesthetics doesn’t really matter. So don’t take too many clothes with you. Instead, make more room for the equipment you will need on your journeys.. I think that the medicines you should have with you for your health and the books that will save you from being bored are more important.

Old Make Procedural Backups

Wi-Fi, 4G, fiber internet will not be waiting for you wherever you go. Sometimes you can’t even find enough coverage to load a simple web page.. So it might be helpful to research some basics and print them out before you go.. For example; the routes you will use, the transportation means and times on these routes, a few words that will provide basic communication in the language of the country you are going to…

Back Up Technologically, Too

To take good pictures It would be horrible to go to the other side of the world and then lose them, wouldn’t it? Yes, it would definitely. So making backups can keep you away from this scary scenario. The external disks you will take with you will make your work easier.. If I give an example from Joey L., he was backing up the same contents to two external drives and keeping them in different places.. Sometimes he even exaggerated the job and carried 4 of them and sent them to his own house ahead of time during a certain part of his journey.. It’s a bit of an exaggeration, but it’s a pretty sure way.

Contact and Collaborate with People

You wouldn’t like it if someone out of nowhere took a picture of you. So, the first rule is empathy; put yourself in people’s shoes and be kind to them wherever you go. If you show their culture and that you are trying to get to know them, you won’t have to search far for the best photos in the world; because it will all come naturally. If you need to build a team, also take advantage of the locals.. Thus, you will be with people who know the most accurate source and you will express your work better.. Even if there is no such opportunity, it makes it easier for you to hire a guide.

Now that you’ve received some advice to take beautiful photos, set out now! After all, today is World Photographers Day; so, it’s your day!

Happy World Photographers’ Day, lots of light.


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