

Welcome! I’m Kübra.

I was born in Ankara on March 6, 1988, but I have no affiliation with Ankara; We have been in Izmir as long as I can remember myself; seven dynasties, Çankırı.

I graduated from ITU-Industrial Products Design. I have worked in the field of advertising and marketing throughout my insured business life.. If you want to know more details, I can take it to my Linkedin account.

I’ve been blogging regularly for two years and I’ve been trying to set up a passive income system as I aim to turn it into a full time job.

In 2009, I went abroad for the first time in my life with the opportunity of Erasmus in Italy.. I studied at the Politecnico di Torino and made two Interrails, one across Europe and the other in Italy, with the money left over from government grants, and that’s how I got to know the concept of “traveling”.. Since that day, I have been traveling and traveling as much as my time and financial situation allows

We have been traveling with Uğur for seven years; we also act separately depending on the situation because being married does not require us to act like conjoined twins; we are two separate individuals with different plans and tastes. I take care of everything from A to Z on the blog. I am the one who edits the videos on my Youtube channel, and I am the one who manages the social media accounts.. Although we do not have a couple account, I also share Uğur’s experiences when appropriate, because he is the most mobile of our nuclear family.. I also talked about him in the rest of the article

I was born with a tiny hole in my heart; When I was little, I was kept away from excessive movement and sports activities so that the disease would not progress.. When I came to university, I saw that there was no risk, I tried to devote myself to sports, but I was always the weakest link in every field I touched

Because I want to keep up with Uğur and enjoy doing something with him, I continue to do snowboarding and diving with determination. .

I’ve camped as many times as I can remember. (We even traveled Africa by staying in a tent.) The nature walks we call “trekking, hiking” have always existed in my life and will continue to be. That’s why the daily routes in the travel plans I have prepared may not suit everyone.

I took a break lately, but I started yoga five years ago, since I did not share it on Instagram even once, most people do not know.. I knit very well. I love solving puzzles such as sudoku, scribble and jigsaw puzzles.. I am not a coffee gourmet, nor do I have the potential to be, but a day without coffee is like a nightmare, my criterion is “Just not Nescafe.” When sharing travel costs, I definitely include coffee shops.

My partner of 11 years, Uğur.

He was born on April 17, 1981 in Istanbul, grew up, studied, worked… Until he hated Istanbul and decided to move to Izmir.

He is a graduate of ITU-Environmental Engineering, and has a master’s degree from the same school.. Anadolu University-Business Administration (open education) jammed it in between as a hobby.

He started his business life in the sales department of waste disposal facilities and continued as a business development manager in the analysis laboratory.. He has been working as a business development manager in the region in Saudi Arabia since 2017.

He went abroad for the first time in 2003 to visit his brother, who is studying in England. After 40 days of Interrail in Northern Europe, he started to travel regularly.. He has a business life where he goes abroad often enough to finish his passport every year.. The fact that he crosses from Bahrain to Saudi Arabia every day has a great share in the abundance of stamps. not an expert but does his best to improve himself. Uğur usually takes my photos, that is, the person behind the camera of the Corporate Turist.

Ugur is also responsible for shooting the videos I share outside of the house.. He is also my biggest supporter of blogging.. He also ordered for this article “Write this too, write this too.” saying; let me write. He was an instructor at ITU Mountaineering Club; rides a mountain bike; snowboards very well; 3 star diver; He also did caving for a while.. The answer to how he spared time for all these things was the day he slept for 7 hours: “Oops! I slept a lot.” I think he lies. Yes, I think he’s hyperactive too.


While we were college students, we both had odd jobs to earn extra income.. I was taking part in events such as fairs, symposiums or selling graphic works through agencies; Uğur was also a rafting guide on weekends (he does:)) The job we both do together was refereeing in motor sports.

We took part in many races, but we came across it for the first time in 2008, at the World Rally Championship held in Antalya.. As it is thought, we do not meet from school, but I think that we studied at the same university and we both took part in the Mountaineering Club for a while, making it easier for us to meet.. We’ve been together ever since.

We got married in 2012. Luffy (Lufitos) joined us in 2015. We moved to Bahrain in 2017 and still live in Bahrain.


Recently, my mom found my diary that I wrote when I was 9 years old.. In a small square notebook, I wrote a world event that I found important at the time, but was actually ridiculous.. I was so pleased that a few pages of writing with spelling errors took me back 20 years, that I couldn’t bear to throw it away.. I guess I don’t find photos enough to convey instant feelings.. We pose for travel photos; Our fear, our happiness, our fight, our distress are not fully reflected.. But when I look at my notes, I can go back to that moment because I write EXACTLY what I feel.

I have never been a person with a strong pen in my life.. In fact, writing essays in literature classes was always my nightmare.. But I always liked to write in an interesting way, especially to take notes because my memory is very bad, I want to remember everything but I can’t remember anything.

Let me prolong it In 2014, before I left my job, I kept my travel notes on a blog. I wanted to clear. What an interesting(!) story for a travel blog! What we ate, where we went, where we stayed… I thought it would be easier for me to look there and say if anyone asked, and I opened a travel blog with .blogspot extension.. I named it “The World Is Not Enough”.

“Why Did We Want to Emigrate from Turkey?” I also mentioned in the article; Since I always work in jobs with a very intense work tempo, I could write two articles a year on the blog.. I did not intend to be a “blogger” anyway.. When I started writing, I took other travel blogs in Turkey as an example, “I guess that’s how a blog is written.” I tried to be like everyone else and got into that staff as an amateur.

In 2016, when we moved from Istanbul to Izmir, my job search process in Izmir started to get a little annoying.. I took this opportunity as an opportunity and decided to make my dream of “doing my own business” come true.. No, it’s not a blog I started making and selling knitted toys and translating, but that wasn’t exactly what I wanted, it didn’t satisfy me.

Meanwhile, I started to post my travel notes, which I couldn’t clean up, to the blog more often, taking advantage of my free time at home. I continued. The articles I shared that day are a source of embarrassment for me today.. If you come across my old articles, I would like you to know that I write a little better with the new ones.. That’s why I switched to a more tidy site, changed its name, researched how to use WordPress, learned SEO.. “Let the blog be dry, let me open an Instagram account as well.” I said, and I laid the foundations of my travel blog today.

After I decided to make blogging my job, my perspective also changed.. In the past, he thought that he was what should have been and said, “I will do as everyone else did.” i was saying. Now, “Why are we all the same?” I question the opinion of the people and I do my best to present you what you cannot find in other Turkish sources.


• The ” Cliché titles such as “X Travel Guide”, “Y Places to Visit” abound here, because I have to write a title for your search habits in order to come across in search engines.. But I take great care to differentiate myself with the locations I travel to, the choices I make, and the content of my articles.. That’s why I’ve been following a path like this for the last two years: Before I travel, I scan all the blogs and take notes on the restaurants and hotels one by one, and if possible, I don’t go to any of them so that I can offer you alternatives.

• abroad to answer questions about Bahrain. I share articles about life and working abroad. Articles about snowboarding and diving, one of our main hobbies, are also collected under the title of “activity”.

• I learned how to blog and use social media from scratch; i am still learning. I am reading a lot of sources and researching constantly in order to take the right steps on this path I have taken.

If you are curious about my story and have read this far, some things are fine I am still at the beginning, but articles in which I convey my experiences on this subject under the “blog” category are coming.

• Of course, there are advertisements and collaborations among the articles, but there are no unethical expressions such as “Look what I discovered”, don’t try to hide the advertisement, although I have never used it.. All I share are products that I use myself.. For example, Booking.com is a platform that I have always used for travel, or the products I recommend from amazon.com are all products we use ourselves.. If you make a reservation or shop through the links I share, I get a small commission.


I’ll always pretend to say the same things, but I’ll write it again: Everyone has a travel style; Some like luxury travel, some hitchhike with a backpack, some leave work and hit the road, and some, like us, take annual leave to travel.

This blog is not a travel blog that will appeal to every traveller; Nor is it a blog that tells stories from different corners of the world to those who have never traveled and will never travel; Not at all a blog that offers encyclopedic information like Wikipedia. Here, we only have information and personal experiences that you may need at the stage you want to experience something.

Does not like luxury but is self-indulgent, does not hesitate to spend on different experiences because she does not know what tomorrow will bring, and spends her time on travel in the most efficient way. If you are a person who wants to evaluate the quality of life and therefore give importance to travel planning, visit the most touristic places, as well as different activities, know even the holidays two years later, connect the official holidays to the weekend before everyone else, there will definitely be something suitable for you on this blog. .

So, I’m not the “Corporate Tourist” who gave the blog its name, you are.. Welcome back

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