
A Tropical Paradise: Seychelles

The region called

The Seychelles is actually a set of islands.. We dock at Mahe Island for the first time with our ship Costa Romantica.. Victoria, the capital of Mahe, is also the capital of Seychelles. It also has the distinction of being the smallest capital city in the world.

There are 3 very important islands in Seychelles. These; Mahe, La Digue and Praslin. Praslin is also on the World Heritage List.. Its other known name is Palmiye Island.

The Seychelles were occupied by the Portuguese in 1505 and by the French in 1768.. But the occupation of the French did not last long and in 1794 the island passed to British rule.. With the Treaty of Paris in 1814, the island was given to the British.. After about 160 years, they declared their independence in 1976 and immediately after that, they put their Constitution into effect in 1974.

It is governed by a one-party republic.. However, the important point is that there are 2 countries in the world with a 10% threshold; One of them is Turkey and the other is Seychelles…

The Seychelles has a total of 115 islands and an area of ​​451 square kilometers.. The total population of the country is 80,000 people.

The highest point in these archipelagos formed by volcanic granite mountains is 900 meters.

Mass rice, fish, ginger and spices are mainly used. Creole cuisine is very popular here as well as in Mauritius.

Creoles are a hybrid race of French, Spanish, Asian and African.. The streets are full of Jennifer Lopez lookalikes. A beautiful race.

Catholics, Protestants, Muslims and Hindus live together and peacefully here.

Although the state supports education, the literacy rate is 60%.. For this reason, they increased compulsory education to 9 years.

They live in a colonial style.. Their livelihoods are primarily tourism and then agriculture.. Among the products they export are bananas, sweet potatoes, cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, desiccated coconut and plantain, tortoise shell, shark fin and soap.

The currency is Seychelles rupees and you can get 120 rupees for 10$.. A doctor’s salary is 600-700 Euros per month, and a teacher’s salary is around 400 Euros.

Here the sun rises at 6 am and sets at 6 pm every day of the year.. Day and night are always equal.

The rate of marriage in Seychelles is very low.. They prefer to live together rather than marry.. Therefore, an illegitimate child is considered very normal here.. Even if they get married, they only do so in their 40s.

The island is incredibly clean.. They love to have fun, we hear music from every corner.. Sega dances are very popular here as well as in Mauritius.

The first day we go to La Digue and Praslin island.. Although the sea is quite choppy, we pass by catamarans.


Endemic plants, giant tortoises, granite rocks, rainforests, guava, cinnamon, vanilla trees and especially the coco dmel tree, the only common point with Turkey is that the 10% dam is only implemented in Turkey and Seychelles in the world.


MAHE: Rainforest in Victoria, palm trees rising from the sea.LA DIGUE: Giant turtles, giant granite boulders, white sandy beach and turquoise seaPRASLIN: Paradise island. Beautiful sea, coconut trees stretching from the beach to the sea. Coco dmel trees (male and female), vanilla trees

Constance Ephélia and The H Resort Beau for a pleasant stay on Mahe island during your visit to Seychelles You can choose hotels such as Vallon Beach.

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