
Budapest Travel Guide

You will experience an unforgettable trip in Budapest, the most beautiful city of Central Europe, where you can observe the Ottoman features interspersed with Hungarian culture, with its bridges accompanying the most enjoyable sunsets and night lighting, and where you will get lost in its delicious cuisine.. Here is the Budapest Travel Guide..

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Hungarians who came from Central Asia and settled in Europe do not really fit the mold we remember as Europeans.. Because they have nomadism in their blood, they ruled as Ottoman territory for 150 years, and when they call themselves Hungarians, all of Europe calls them Hungary because they are descendants of the Huns.. As a matter of fact, you can observe many non-European features such as hot pepper paprika and Turkish baths in all cultures.. Even their currency is not Euro. Hungarian Forint (HUF)

Inside all this unique concept of difference, they are also very smart. For example, Rubik’s cube was invented by Hungarians. After all, Hungarian is an incredibly difficult language.. Speaking English really is child’s play next to it.

The Danube River divides Budapest in two.. While the Buda region is more mountainous and quiet, the Pest region is very lively, where almost all the must-see spots are located and I recommend you for accommodation.. Buda means water and Pest means fire. That’s why Budapest is the city of water and fire.

You can reach this beautiful city with a direct 2.5-hour flight from Istanbul, or you can choose the one we did, from nearby cities that are 2-3 hours away.. On our flight from Istanbul to Vienna, after visiting Vienna, we took the buses from the airport and found ourselves in Budapest after a 3-hour journey.. And I can’t go without saying that the trip to Budapest was much, much better than Vienna.. If you still want to take a look at my Vienna notes and want to hit two birds with one stone and travel to both countries, click here.

We used the subway for long distances in Budapest.. One way ticket was 350 HUF. Apart from that, the city seemed so magical to me that we preferred to explore the city by walking at least 20 kilometers a day.. How else can one visit this beautiful city with the yellow tram?

The most important point that I will insist on staying in Budapest is the 7th district. Your stay in the >Jewish District. This is the Jewish quarter where the Central Synagogue is the largest synagogue in Europe. Hotel prices are affordable, there are more local cafes and restaurants, as well as Budapest’s famous ruin bars, entertainment venues in the ruins.. We were very pleased with our hotel Roombach Hotel Budapest Center.

Because our hotel is located in the Jewish Quarter, we are close to our favorite square Erzsebet Ter. it was pretty close so there was no one better than us. Socialize with people and enjoy Budapest for me while you lay your feet in the pool at Erzebet Ter and drink your beer. You can take a picture like me on the Ferris wheel called Budapest Eye right next to it.

My best suggestion for you to visit Budapest is as we did Free Walking Tours. This activity, known as a free walking tour, departs every day at 10:30 in front of the lion statue in Vörösmarty square in Vaci Utca.. You discover the city under the guidance of your guide with a free and 3-hour walk on the tour name.. You both listen to very, very important stories that you can learn from a local guide, and you get plenty of advice to avoid getting screwed with tourists.. At the end of the tour, you give your heart’s tip to your guide.. Yes, let’s start, where did we visit in Budapest? What advice will the Budapest Travel Guide give you?

When you start your tour from Vaci Utca, at the first stop, you learn the details of the Hungarian history I told you above, and you go to the statue of a child where everyone who comes to Budapest touches their knees.. Because it is believed that if you touch this child’s knees, you will come to Budapest again.

When you are next to this statue, you see Buddha on the other side. Sculpture on the mountain behind the green bridge Liberty Bridge Statue of Liberty. When communism left the city, they did not destroy this statue while all the buildings were demolished, and after covering it with a blanket and waiting for three days, they believed that it was purified from communism.. Another beautiful building in front of you is the Royal Palace.

When you continue walking, you go to the basilica built in the name of St. Stefan, the king who was the first to accept Christianity.. One arm of this king was waxed by himself, and that was his miracle.. We later learned that when you look from the Buda hills, you see this basilica and the famous Parliament Building at the same height.. both 96 meters. This symbolizes the equality of religion and state.. Because it was 96, the year they came to Hungary was 1896.

The cafe named Gelarto Rosa, located right next to the basilica, is a place you should not return without trying the ice creams they serve in the form of flowers.. And keep that in mind.

Yes, now you can cross the Chain Bridge, that is, the Lion Bridge, which is popularly known as Chain Bridge, and you You can throw it to the Buddha side. It is called the lion bridge because there are lions on the bridge.. There’s even a legend here. Its architect was so successful that he said, if there is a mistake on the bridge, I will throw myself from there.. Several troubleshooting attempts were unsuccessful. Others believe that the architect committed suicide because a child said that a lion has no tongue in his mouth, but we saw that he has a very good tongue!

You reach Castle Hill by climbing for 5 minutes.. Again, the view is magnificent from here.. The bird statue here is important to them because they believe that they put a sword in the mouth of this bird while migrating and they found this land under his leadership.

It was used as a mosque for a while when Suleiman the Magnificent conquered Budapest Matthias Church and the Fisherman’s Bastion, named after the Fishermen’s Society responsible for defending the city in the middle ages, are the last sightseeing point of the Buddha side that will impress you.. There are 7 towers here. These towers represent 7 Hungarian heights.

When you go to the market place called Central Market Hall located at one end of Vaci Utca, which is the green bridge, you may encounter locals doing market shopping.

However, the place where we tried Hungarian cuisine with its best flavors and loved it was Hungarikum restaurant. Spicy hot paprika pancakes, goulash soup are must-try. The Palinka drink brought as a gift, on the other hand, is a very heavy alcohol that Hungarian old people drink as a medicine so that they do not get sick.. We’ve never been able to love it, but when we’ve come this far, we can’t go back without trying.

The restaurant is close to the Parliament Building. For this reason, after visiting the Parliament Building, which is the most beautiful building in Budapest, go to the place where Jewish shoes are located.. This place represents the Jews who were shot in the back and fell into the sea during World War II.. We even saw kids’ shoes with candy in them.. It was very painful.

You will see the Opera House on Andrassy Ut street. Since we went to a classical music concert in Vienna, we did not hold an event here, but if you are curious, you can think about the events and check out the events in advance.

The New York Cafe, which calls itself the most beautiful cafe in the world when you are tired of walking,” go to. A live classical music event is held inside, as befits a palace and a palace.. Consider going to this very expensive cafe for a drink, but never to eat.

So where would you consider to eat, of course, the Jewish District?. You can try one of the delicious Hungarian dishes, Langos, at Street Food, where you have a variety of shops to eat street food.. After the meal, Kurtos Kalacs dessert is a flavor you should definitely try.. Let Mazel Tov be one of the places you will write in your mind again. We tried quite a few different dishes there too.

After the street meal, throw yourself into Szimpla Kert’, Budapest’s famous ruin bar. this is an amazing place. Have you ever been to a dilapidated bar with every decoration you can think of, from a car to a bathtub? Here is the right address for this in Budapest.. If you haven’t tried Palinka yet, you can try it here.

If you’re going especially in winter, remember that Budapest is famous for its baths and hot springs and head to Szchenyi Bath.. I will go to Budapest again just for this experience.

Finally, you may want to say goodbye to Budapest with a river cruise after the sunset turns into night.. Don’t forget Budapest is famous for its night lighting. You can end your Budapest trip with excellent views.

And I’m revealing my secret.. After this trip, Budapest ranked #1 on my list as my favorite European city!

I hope you admire it as much as I do!. Have a pleasant trip!

Don’t forget to leave all your questions and comments about our trip in the comments section below.

All details of this trip are under the tag #oykununoykuleribudapeste on my instagramaccount.

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