
7 Best Places to Visit in Moscow

Although our trip to Moscow started on a cold February day, we do not come across a freezing cold in Moscow.. Weather plus three to five degrees. Our hotel Garden Ring is not in the city center, but it is within easy reach of the center by taxi or metro. Of course, if you manage to find out which direction to go when you get off the subway! Even in the Japanese subway, we weren’t that hard!


Moscow Metro one of the oldest and largest metros in the world. 13 pieces, all with deep lines. In some lines, you can’t see the end of the stairs when you go down the escalator.. In the subway, everything is written in Cyrillic alphabet, you found the line to get on by comparing the shapes to the shape of your destination on the map in your hand, let’s say you managed to get off at the right stop, unfortunately, the job does not end there.. You’re in so deep that if you can get out. You could not write the names of the stops in English, write a SORTIE for the bare exit direction, write a EXIT, it never happened, draw a picture of a man climbing the stairs. No!


We’re wandering around like moles. Hah, we say this is a sure exit and climb a steep staircase.. It doesn’t happen again, we see that we have reached another line. The Russians are also very friendly, their English is also very strong, you ask EXIT , they act as if we are trying to make a survey and quickly move away from us.. In short, the subway in Russia is difficult.. You know, although some metro stops near the center resemble a museum or an art gallery with their flamboyant chandeliers, sculptures and architecture, what should I do after trying so hard while serving their main purpose?.


After passing our first test by subway, Moscow At the top of the list of Places to Visit, you can see the Red Square, the Kremlin Palace, and the St. Basil’s Cathedral we are traveling. We love the ice sculptures in the garden of the cathedral.




We are cold and tired. One last effort is 3 of the Moscow Attractions list that stretches across the eastern flank of Red Square.. Well, we enter the GUM, the most famous shopping mall in Moscow . GUM’s interior design is worth seeing. At Cafe Bosco around the pool, our giant sushi plate, which we ordered as our first meal in Moscow, is accompanied by oysters on ice and white wine.. The sushi we ate was very fresh and incredibly delicious.. Such a taste did not even come to us in Tokyo. We are making a very pleasant start to the trip.



After dinner, we turn to Arbat Streets. The 4th place in the list of Places to Visit in Moscow, Old (Stary) Arbat, is a lively street closed to vehicular traffic, with cafes and shops on the left and right, in Istiklal Street format.. Although we were in the middle of February, we couldn’t see more than people who kept their heads down and walked quickly, but in milder periods there were street musicians, acrobats and jugglers who showed their virtues on this street, I am a liar of those who say. Just parallel to this

street, New (Novy) Arbat Street is a huge street surrounded by high-rise buildings, with more modern shops and restaurants and 6 lane round-trip vehicle traffic.. I think it would be more accurate to say boulevard instead of avenue..


We have our dinner at Brazilero, which is enticed by its decoration on the Old Arbat. As the name suggests, this is one of the Brazilian restaurants in the concept where all kinds of meat are served in order for a fixed fee. Perfect for those who like to try different flavors at the same meal and eat their meat while steaming.. When we are full, we turn the card on the table from green to red, now the waiters who are walking around asking who I should give the meat to pass our table, we return to our hotel after the meal.. After a long breakfast in the stylish breakfast room of our boutique hotel in the morning, we spend time wandering the streets, markets and boutiques around the hotel until noon.


At noon, the metro goes to the center, leaving the Pushkinskaya stop Moscow Attractions< We take a break at Cafe Pushkin, which is indispensable on the /b> list. Cafe Pushkin evokes the feeling of traveling back in time with its decoration and the dressing of the waiters.. It looks like Uncle Pushkin is going to come out and come to us soon..  


Afterwards, on Kamergersky Street where restaurants are concentrated, my wife left satisfied on her previous Moscow trip At the restaurant Academiya we sit by the window for a long time, watching the passers-by on the street, while enjoying the trio of shushi, dimsum and red wine. We haven’t figured out what is this sushi mod of ours.. It is not clear whether we are in Russia or Japan! But the guys are very good at shushi, we always go to him on the menu, let’s do it 🙂 After dinner, we continue to walk the streets of Moscow.. So where are these beautiful Russian girls? Those long-legged, blond, colored-eyed ones? We don’t see much around.. Moscow is quite cosmopolitan. When we look at the color distribution of people, there is a diversity ranging from white to black. Most of all, the density of slugs, which we think come from countries such as Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and live here, draws our attention.. We take our dinner in a cafe-bar atmosphere rather than the restaurant on Tverskaya Street , in a cafe restaurant where young people are concentrated.. Our preference is Meat schnitzel and red wine. The schnitzel is soft on the inside and crunchy on the outside, I like it. The wine is good and nice, but the wine prices are no less than Istanbul.. Is there an alcoholic beverage tax on these too? I don’t think so…


After dinner The continuation of Kamergensky We go to Coyote Ugly, the famous bar on strong>Kuznetsky Most Street, The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to nightlife in Moscow. The demeanor of the beastly bodyguards at the gate is rather sleazy. These are purebred Russians for sure! “Actually, we can’t let you in at all, but we couldn’t find an excuse at the moment, let’s see” we go inside.


The inside is amazing. It’s really a different place from what we know. U-shaped bar designed to accommodate the audience, three or four dancer chicks dance at the top of the bar. Loud music in the background, one of the dancer girls shouting something in Russian. Moscow is not really tourist friendly at all. What are you talking about baby? At one point, one of the customers and one of the dancing girls gets into the shotgun thing.. Glasses are pouring, rubles are flying. I think the venue hits the main volley from here…


In the coming hours, I will go up to the bar and join the dancers.. I’m in such a mood that it’s love for the one who can take me down now. After all, we are the children of a nation that can’t slow down while playing and take their breath on the top of a chair or even on a table.. The bar top comes to us at the trot.  I even make friends over the bar at the end of the night. The girl came later, she gets upset when she learns that we were going to have a good time together, she gets down from the bar and utters a lot of language at my wife, but we go..    


Follow the Moskva, Down to Gorki Park < 7 of the list of Places to See in Moscow mentioned in the famous Scorpions song that continues strong>Listing to the wind of change is to Gorky Park we are walking right. On our way, we take a rest in another Memorial Park-type park, where there are various monuments and statues that put sweaters on the trees.. At Gorky Park we watch the ice skaters and take pictures of the snow landscapes.


We had our final dinner at Mr.. We pick it up at a fancy Chinese restaurant called Lee. We tried everything except Russian cuisine. It’s weird. The atmosphere is elegant, the food is stylish, it’s a meal worthy of the final dinner..  


Time to say goodbye. I wish I could finish by saying, ‘We take our luggage towards the evening, take the minivan we agreed on a fixed price through our hotel, and take the road to the airport in peace and return to our country in peace.’ but unfortunately that is not the case.. When we fall asleep in the minivan due to exhaustion and wake up an hour and a half later, we realize with horror that we are stuck in traffic and still not able to get out of the city center, we do not know what to do.. Thanks to our driver, he doesn’t speak a word of English.. We are trying to translate into Russian from the translator on the phone and explain our problem.. The man drops us at the station for the airport express train, which departs hourly as a last resort. We throw ourselves on the train that is about to leave without even getting a ticket.. Our journey as a fugitive yusuf yusuf feels like a lifetime. When we get off the train, we enter the airport by running or even flying and find the check-in counter.

Tataaaam check-in is closed for our plane! We are begging. Well, this situation is very sympathetic, does Russian check-ins care? Of course not! My strap is breaking and I’m starting to cry out “My children, my children”. You would think that the children are in the hands of the kidnappers, not in their grandmother’s house in Turkey. I’m crying so sincerely that even the Russians come to mercy and they do our check-in..   When I step on the plane and see the THY stewardess saying “Welcome”, I feel like I’ve stepped on the land of my homeland. While watching the lights of Moscow from my window seat, this time I really fall asleep peacefully…

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