
6 Reasons to Take a Career Break and Travel

Although career breaks and unpaid leaves are perceived as the worst thing you can do for your career, it is gaining momentum in our country as well as in first world countries.. So what is this career break?

What is a career break?

Career break is usually called planned unemployment between 1 month and 2 years.. It is the unpaid leave given to the employee within the period determined depending on the program conditions offered by the affiliated company.. Under this program, companies offer job guarantees when employees return.. Career breaks must have a purpose. These are usually volunteer projects, education or travel.

In addition to the general belief, not all career breaks may be caused by stress, boredom or intensity.. You can also do it to fulfill a dream or complete your education.. One of my friends who took a career break went to a language school in England and the other went to complete his master’s degree with the Erasmus program.. Of course, they also compressed their travels.. There are also those who, like me, cannot cope with stress and quit to travel.. Let’s come to that matter later.

No matter what your financial situation is, you can always easily find many excuses not to make such a change.. The idea of ​​such a big change can be pretty scary and alarming.. it should be. But if you start looking for the right time for a career break or unpaid leave, you’ll realize that there will never be a perfect time.. You may have to give up and risk some things.. That’s why it will always be an easy choice to stay at home and not go.

After the economic crisis in 2008, people have learned to live with the job they have.. If you’re lucky enough to have a job, and it doesn’t matter what your job is, if you say you’re resigning from your job for a reason such as traveling around the world, people around you will look at you as crazy, maybe even you.

Inter-career can be experienced in every phase of life. Sometimes by your choice, most of the time unintentionally.. Whatever situation you are in, when you think your life is not going in the right direction, you need to remember that you have the power to change it.. Those who can do this, those who succeed are all people from different groups and have different characters and lifestyles.. You don’t have to adopt the hippie lifestyle to do this. It’s all about your mindset.. What an elder said, “You have to change this mindset”. If you really want it, you can. Trust yourself!

6 reasons to take a career break and travel right now

1- If not now, when?

Do you think you will have this energy when you retire at 65? ? Whenever we talk to our seniors, they always dream of retirement, that is to travel the world.. So how many retired people do you know who have traveled the world? You may not have the money and energy you had when you were young.. Therefore, extending your retirement period for another year and taking a career break would be a good option.

2- The world is disappearing

Aren’t you tired of sighing at the scenery in the background of your computer every day? Why don’t you go and see it on the spot? Melting glaciers, rising waters, warming sea water are the main indicators of global warming and climate change.. It may be your last chance to see the submerged micro-islands and the rainforests that are shrinking every day.

3- Complete your to-do list before you die


After watching the movie Bucket list, most people have prepared their to-do list before they die.. Well, have you removed that list, or is it standing in front of your eyes? Since you are reading this article, you probably deleted it and forgot about it.. You will even choose to forget after reading this article.

What did Cemal Süreyya say, “Life is short, birds fly”.

4- We live in Turkey

I don’t know when you will be reading this article but it doesn’t matter. I’m sure a bomb will go off somewhere two days before or maybe three days later.. we live on luck. We never know what will happen in this country.. Just living in Turkey is a reason in itself to immediately realize our desires in life.

5- Don’t be a slave to the company

You see yourself in a very important place in the company. You think what will they do if I go and you feel responsible. Congratulations, your manager and human resources are doing well! When you say your opinion, they will do their best not to leave, they will flatter you a little, they will exploit your feelings a little.. What do you think they will do if I go?. What you forgot is that companies know very well how to survive in the capitalist system.. Even in the face of all this inflation and devaluation, they know how to make a profit by creating an opportunity.. And believe me, a whole company doesn’t go under just because you left.. Even Steve Jobs died, the company continued. Why did the company go bankrupt because of who left?

6- While pursuing a career, don’t miss life

If you want to be respected in the society, do a good job. You must have a career, money and status. We devour ourselves in college time just because of career, career.. Where should I do my internship, which course should I take? After we started working, we think that we are part of the company, sorry family, we actually become slaves of the system.. Just when we are close to giving up, raises, promotions come and we continue with a little more work.

We have 5000 channels of televisions in our house, but we do not have time to watch any of them, because we have to work.. While we are thinking about making a career, we miss life…

I am waiting for those who are curious about the details of my trip to the following article.

To my trip Everything About

For those who want to follow on social media, all my social media accounts are called unknownrota.

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Finally, I would like to talk about my dear Çağrı, whom I watched his videos and took as an example before I set off.. While working at an advertising agency, Çağrı decided to quit and travel, but was able to turn his trip into a better career.. Even if you only read the titles of the article, you should definitely watch the video of Çağrı.

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