
6 Details to Consider When Buying a Tiny House

Thinking about downsizing? For a transition to a minimalist life where you can interact with nature, you can get tiny houses with the concept of tiny house.. These minimalist houses have started to be in great demand in our country recently.

There are a few details you should consider before you decide to buy a small house. In addition to the design and the place where you will position your small house, it will be useful to consider these details.

First, What is Tiny House?

Tiny house means small and minimalist house. Tiny house life is to reduce the living space and to live minimalist by getting rid of the excess.. These tiny houses are less expensive to build or buy than traditional dwellings.. However, storage areas and general areas are of course limited.

There are portable ones in small houses and non-movable ones.. For those who like to travel, portable so small houses on wheels are definitely more suitable.

Consider Zoning Laws

Your tiny house is either fixed or on wheels. If your house is fixed without wheels, be sure to learn the zoning laws in detail before purchasing your house.. Because all buildings without wheels in our country should be placed on zoned lands.

If your house is on wheels, you can take your house to areas without zoning and park it. If you’re planning to travel with your tiny house, also keep in mind the possibility of some exterior damage due to high winds when you set off.

You Can Build Your Own Or Buy A Ready Made Home

Building a tiny house yourself is definitely cheaper than buying it, but both scenarios have a few pros and cons.

Pros of Building a Small House:

  • It’s more affordable
  • You can show your creativity
  • You can supply your materials according to your taste

Cons of Building a Small House:

  • Takes a lot of time
  • You must find a place to build
  • Unaccounted expenses may arise
  • Plumbing, carpentry, electricity, water lines, etc.. you need to understand or find someone for things like
  • If the construction is defective, it can affect the resale value of the house

Pros of Buying a Prebuilt Tiny House:

  • Professional build
  • Can be decided and taken quickly

Cons of Buying a Prebuilt Tiny House:

  • Can be more expensive
  • It may not be exactly what you planned in your head
  • Loft Floor

    Many small houses have a loft to save space and take advantage of the height of the house. Some small home owners think that loft floors are cramped, warm and difficult to use in practice, but you should know what you really want and act accordingly.. During the construction phase of the house, you can have a pitched roof built or. If you put a sky window on your bed on the loft floor, it will add pleasure to your enjoyment.. But if you do not have a loft floor in your home, you should reserve a section on the floor for your bed..

    Plan the Space Well

    First This may seem simple at first, but make sure your favorite things you can never part with can fit into your new home. Even if you embrace minimalism, you may still want to bring your favorite table, sofa, and some necessities such as a full-size refrigerator and washing machine to your small home. Consider storage space as well. There will be lots of storage areas under the stairs and sitting areas, but don’t be fooled by these areas, still create an extra storage area outside your home.

    Land Selection

    Whether you’re looking for a land to buy or a tiny house village to rent the plot to, you can do both, but before you buy your house, you can do both. you have decided. Some small houses have porches or even attics. Some have gardens shared with others or their own patios.

    If you have children or pets, I also recommend making sure they have enough space to play outside the tiny house!

    Buying a Tiny Housek

    Now that you know what to look for, it’s time to start the process! If you are still not sure whether you can live in a small house, try staying in a small house for a few days.. You can find my list of tiny houses in Turkey where you can stay in tiny houses. This way you can get an idea and see what you like and dislike about a small house layout by experimenting.

    You can also check out my Youtube channel.. We have prepared videos with many tiny house producers in Turkey.. You can find detailed information about the products on my channel.. Watching many tiny houses in a single channel will help you make your decision.. You can find the ones you like and go to see them directly.. For more information and advice on minimalist living and tiny houses, follow me on my youtube channel!

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