
5 Ancient Cities Found in Turkey

Our country is officially an ancient city paradise. Once upon a time, such beautiful places were built that I admire every time I visit the ancient city and say I should do it more often.. Let me take the ancient city tour lovers here. I left 5 ancient cities that you will love very much for you.. I wish you a pleasant reading.

Hierapolis Ancient City

Pamukkale, Turkey in terms of tourists It is among the important cities for. Hierapolis Ancient City is a building located next to Pamukkale Travertines. The history of the Ancient City is based on the Pergamon Kingdom..

Unable to resist the magnificent view of Pamukkale Travertines, the King established the Ancient City of Hierapolis right next to the travertines.. It was used as a thermal health area because it was believed to be a healing place in the early days of its construction..

The Ancient City of Hierapolis

It is still visited by many people today for health and beauty.. The Ancient City of Hierapolis is on the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage list with its healing and magnificent beauty.

Ephesus Ancient City

The Ancient City of Ephesus is on the most fertile lands of Turkey as of its location. The ancient city of Ephesus, located in Izmir, which connects the world to the east and west, has developed more and more day by day due to its location on trade routes..

Ephesus was built by the Lydian King Creseus in 550 BC, before it was conquered by the Roman Empire.. But this ancient city, which is one of the seven wonders of the world, lived its golden age after it was conquered by the Roman Empire..

Although only a small part of the building has survived since many disasters such as looting and earthquakes have survived, it has housed people from many races and religions in previous years.. When you go to the ancient city of Ephesus, you can find the remains of many societies and religions there.

Ancient City of Milet

The Milet Antique City, which is thought to have existed since the Polished Stone Age, is located in the Balat Village of Aydın.. This place, which was important in shipping when the Aegean Sea did not rise in the previous years, was cut off from the sea as a result of the rising of the Aegean Sea and the filling of the land with the transported materials..

The foundations of geometry, philosophy and astronomy were laid in this place, which has no connection with the sea today.. The ancient city of Miletus, which saw many societies and ages, lost its port feature with the withdrawal of water and started to be used as a theater..

The ancient city, which was also used in areas such as monuments and public buildings by the Romans in the future, has a very structured architecture.. You can feel all the ages when you visit Milet Antique City.

Zeugma Antique City

This place, built on hills, is located in Nizip district of Gaziantep province.. Seleukos Nikator I, who was Alexander’s general during the time of Alexander the Great, founded a city called Seleucia Euphrates on the Euphrates River.. Alexander’s wife also founded a city called Apama right across from this structure.. Thus, the two structures are connected to each other by a bridge..

Romans also named this area Zeugma, which means bridge.. Zeugma Ancient City, which lived its heyday during the Roman Empire, was destroyed by the Sassanids.. After this destruction, he was never able to return to his former radiant times..

This ancient city is among the best structures in the world, especially with its mosaic decorations.. When you go to Zeugma Ancient City, you can fall into the sparkle of art.

Myra Ancient City

The ancient city of Myra, which provides the connection between the canal to the west of the Myros River and the city, is located on the Myra Plain.. Andriake Port is one of the most famous ports of that period for transportation and trade..

The ancient city is of great importance for this port located in the east of the canal.. The ancient city of Myra, which saw many cultures and states, was famous as rock tombs during the Lycian period.. When it passed to the Roman Empire, it was used a lot in the field of theater..

In Byzantine times, it became famous as the Church of St. Nicholas. This place, which saw many floods and earthquakes during these periods, lost its importance in the following periods.. In addition, the surviving parts are theaters and rock tombs.

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