
3 Travelers in Singapore

We met the Swiss Valentin at

Sumatra‘s Lake Toba, then we met again in Kuala Lumpur, and we met by chance on Tioman Island.. I knew he was going to be in Singapore yesterday and we decided to meet. He has just finished his 6-month Asian trip and is returning to Switzerland tomorrow.

We met with Valentin and his Singaporean girlfriend Emma at the Sun City mall.. Since Emma’s job, the three of us, Bekran, Valentin and I, started walking towards Marina Bay.. We toured around Marina Bay and took lots of pictures.. We bought sandwiches from the grocery store, sat in a nice view, ate and chatted.. Valentin left to meet at the roof of 1-Attitude Bar at night.

We took the road to the consulate, which I was wondering about and still sent me neither a phone call nor a message about whether my passport had arrived.. When I got there, they said that my passport had not arrived and that they would send me an e-mail when they did, and they asked me to come after they received this e-mail.. It is hard to believe that the passport, which was prepared in Turkey 8 days ago and departed, is still not here.

However, on the same date, I received the t-shirt sent by regular mail from my backpackers group to the embassy on my behalf.. At this the embassy officers made some faces and said that they sent back packages sent outside the embassy as they were.. However, my cargo was opened.

After leaving the embassy, ​​we walked around Chinatown with Bekran this time, took the Metro and went to Vivo City, Singapore’s biggest shopping mall.. We stopped by the National Geographic Shop, which I visited here in the previous days.. It’s like a museum inside anyway, we looked at the clothes, examined the photos. We entered the cabin prepared for you to experience the Antarctic climate here, wearing the jackets given to us (1 Singapore Dollar). You stay inside for 1 minute and experience the -15’s and the storm.. You can see the heat change in your body from the thermal camera.. It was a wonderful experience.

We dived into whatever store we found, that caught our eye, that we were curious about.. In some, we examined laptops and cameras, in others, we sat in massage chairs and gave ourselves a free massage for half an hour.. It was getting dark now. We went outside to Vivo City trea overlooking Santosa Island. The other day, I was standing there on the Logos Hope ship, whose shows I rang in this mall again. We threw ourselves in immediately.

This ship is the world’s largest traveling bookstore and library.. There are volunteer employees from 45-500 different nationalities in it.. They travel country by country, participate in social responsibility projects and provide voluntary services.. I had a little chat with a Canadian who has been volunteering on this ship for 9 months.. When I asked how I could volunteer on this ship, he said I could apply online.

After returning to our hostel in Little India and resting for a bit, I went to the bar called 1-Altitude on the 61st floor of a skyscraper in Marina Bay to meet up with Valentin and Emma for the night. we passed. This place also holds the title of the highest bar in the world.. The entire roof and terrace of the skyscraper is reserved for this bar.. You choose a drink at the entrance and pay. A beer is 18SGD (26 TL).

The prices are astronomical in our opinion, but the prices of places such as the Sky Tower, which are located in many cities to watch the city, are also around this area.. At an altitude of 282 meters, you can see all of Singapore, even the Indonesian islands, from a 360-degree angle.. By the way, shorts, bermudas and flip-flops are not allowed.. Of course, we took a lot of photos with our cameras.. Here we celebrated the end of Valentin’s trip, we met again, and then we took a taxi (15 SGD) back to our hotel.

We said goodbye to Bekran the next morning.. I, on the other hand, have adopted The Incorowd Hostel, where I have been for almost 2 weeks since December 8, as my home.

Day 504: Singapore:13, Little India, 20 December 2011

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