
1000th Comment

I posted my first article in On the Road! on June 9, 2011. I had rented a caravan in Hobart, the capital of Tasmania, and was on the road.. I posted my first blog post from my iPhone in the historic village of Ross, where I stopped on the way.. This first post was also the first to be published concurrently with my trip.. That day was also the birth date of YolaOlmak.com.

I got the first comment on the same day as I informed my friends that I opened my blog.. After 439 days passed, today 1000 on the blog. Comment shared. Thank you to everyone who reads these lines.. Nihal and 1000 who made the first comment. I would also like to thank our friend Banu who commented.

Comments are important for a blogger, and very important.. Comments are one of the communication channels with the reader.. That way I can learn your thoughts, reactions, advice and perspective.. Comments are motivation for the author. You know you’re being followed, you know someone’s reading your posts. In short, fool around, dear.

In the beginning I was writing my logs just for myself. Since the articles were in the diary style, I was writing every detail.. Then I decided to share them.. But I had no idea how to post. After long researches, I decided on WordPress, which is the infrastructure of this blog, and so I started sharing new logs.. I have articles in New Zealand, Fiji, Australia and Tasmania, which I still haven’t published and have notes.

With this article, there will be 305 articles published on the blog. The most commented among these articles, What Am I Doing? I have written. It’s the New Route: Turkey! It is followed by 26 comments. Being on the Road for 500 Days 3. Ranked. There are many posts that have not received any comments. At that time, Twitter didn’t have a Facebook Page, so I didn’t announce the blog on social media, so there were very few followers.. That’s why there are a lot of articles that you missed and will get you excited when you read them.

5000 in a few years. hope to see the comment.

Thank you for not leaving me alone with your comments and emails while I am on the road.

Please Share your thoughts with us.

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